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Dead Space 3 Plasma Cutter

I was recently commissioned to build a replica of the New Dead Space 3 Plasma Cutter. Personally, the style of the new Plasma Cutter is my favorite so far so I was very excited to get the opportunity to build it. The goal for this project is to not only incorporate the iconic three-point laser sight into the design, but also […]

Creating a Capture Trooper – Article on

Over the holidays the great people at Guerrilla Games were kind enough to write an article about the creation of my Capture Trooper suit for This project was such a incredible opportunity and I am honored to have my work featured on their site. It is very a rewarding experience seeing my work in the hands […]

Skylow Studios Hawkgirl

Hawkgirl in Best Cosplay Ever This Week

My friend Kira Kouture, that I helped in creating her impressive Hawkgirl costume, has gotten great recognition recently after being featured in’s Best Cosplay Ever This Week on December 17th. The post also features some amazing photography from the very talented BGZ Studios. Have a look at some of the photos from the shoot […]